When a trader reaches 50 years of age…

SIGNIFICANT BIRTHDAYS HAVE a way of making you look backward... and forward.
I've just reached a milestone birthday. Five decades. I can't help but reflect. If we're to go on averages, the days ahead will be fewer than those I have already lived.
With the days I've left behind, I feel content.
Now, I find myself wondering what the next decade will hold for my life. It will see my children complete school and University, and maybe even meet their life partners (How can that be? It feels like only yesterday when I was finishing high school. Time concertinas and expands in the oddest of ways).
In the next decade, I'm likely to see the passing of other friends, no matter how tightly I want to hold onto them.
I'm also 100% sure I'll see new traders come into the market and flourish beyond that which they ever believed would be possible, because of their hard work and my belief in them.
It's such a shame we can't live our lives backwards, instead of forwards - so we'd know what is to come.
And for you... what's to come for you? Are you content with where you've come to so far?
It's not too late if you haven't achieved what's in your heart.
If you're like me - your identity... your essence, is that you're a trader. You can feel it in your gut.
We don't get another smack at this life. If you're on the brink of a decision to be an exceptional trader... what's stopping you?
There might be less time available than you think.
Author: Louise Bedford
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